Friday, March 27, 2009


This picture demonstrates belonging to me. It shows that they will always have each other. They belong somewhere or with someone. To me it seems like the little hand is the big hand's son/daughter. Kids almost always belongs somewhere. This picture makes me feel safe somehow.

Monday, March 9, 2009


My friend and I lay in the bounds of my bedroom, chatting about nonsensical things. This rivial chatter revolved around the subject of dogs. When I finally stepped out of my room I caught a glimpse of my brother zip through the living room shouting out, “MOM,MOM.” I just ignored it and continued to chat with my friend. A while passed then my mom came to my room's door and blurted, "Peppy died." That was our beloved dog. He was a chihuahua black as the color black and very skinny. I went to the outer surface of my residence to see Peppy he looked horrible. Peppy was just laying there in the middle of the street. At that moment I almost bawled, but I didn't since I can't do it in public. Peppy was a very clever dog. When I was looking at him I thought to myself, "Why did he have to die? Man Ima miss him."

Thursday, February 26, 2009


When I finally reached the second floor I finally saw myself in college studying to be a doctor. I see my parents tearing up grateful to see me having something that they always wanted to have a "diploma."


In the first floor of my present I see me taking the LEAP and while some pupils were weeping I was shouting and skipping when I found out I passed.


In the basement of my past I saw a light that made me remember my cousins and I playing with fire. The bright light shone and burned just like the fire that we made. Then I transported myself to the first floor.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ba Da Bing...

As I was running to get my shiny gold Oscar award I saw this skinny young woman dropping my award so I thought I'm going to kill her.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Room

The place that I feel most safe in is in my room.
It protects me from mad parents,annoying brother & furious friends.
It lets me feel completely in charge.
My room knows everything about me; my room is me.
My mom is alwyas telling me, "Clean Your Room, because if people come
here they are going to think that your dirty."
I know that what she says it's true but
What can I do when I wake up and don't
want to do it.
Though I hate my room to be messy sometimes I can't help it.
I love my room.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Marine Life

Cat Fish

You eat me I fear you there is not one day that I'm in peace if I'm not trying
to hide from predators in my own sea I have to try to defend myself from you
if I could talk to you, you would see that I'm not always mean I'm actually a
very sweet animal I can hurt you badly if you threaten me my whiskers are
very powerful I sometimes come in big sizes I can eat you so next time be
wise don't mess with me.